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Strategies for Mathematics Education to Students with Disabilities

Santosh Kumar Mishra

Santosh Kumar Mishra 1

  1. Population Education Resource Centre, Department of Continuing and Adult Education and Extension Work, S. N. D. T. Womens University, Patkar Hall Building, First Floor, 1, Nathibai Thackerey Road, Mumbai - 400020, Maharashtra, India 1

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The students with difficulty remembering mathematics facts, concepts, rules, formulas, sequences, and procedures, are referred to as “learning disabled”. Teaching “mathematics education” (which refers to “the practice of teaching and learning mathematics, including research”) to such students is a major challenge before teachers/mathematics educators. Use of technology enables teaching mathematics to students with disabilities with greater ease. This paper primarily aims to give an insight into the strategies that can enhance the mathematical learning of all students, but especially those students with mathematics difficulty. The paper concludes that over the years, the commitment to improving outcomes for students with mathematics difficulty continues to grow. One strategy that needs additional attention involves the use of technology designed to teach mathematical concepts in non-traditional ways. At present, the sheer quantity of educational software and other tools that are available for teachers to use in the classroom is significant. Additionally, the cost of much of this hardware and software is relatively low. One major goal of educators of students with mathematics difficulty should be to conduct ongoing research to determine the best use of existing technology for enhancing mathematical learning.


Learning disability, mathematics education, students, and technology.


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