Dr. Richard B. Coffin
Texas A&M University
USA Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences
Research Interest/Area : Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environmental Science, Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Associate Editor (s)
Dr. Yuh-Shan Ho
Asia University
Taiwan Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Environmental Science and Chemical Engineering
Dr. Shaban Abdul
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Center for Natural Sciences
Hungary Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Corrosion and Its Inhibition, Green Corrosion Inhibitors, Chemical Sensors, Electrochemistry
Dr. Sundaramanickam Arumugam
Annamalai University
India Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Marine Environmental Science, Bioremediation, Environmental Impact Assessment
Editorial Board Members
Dr. Rajeev Pandey
Dr. RML Avadh University
Saint Lucia Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Environmental Sciences; Engineering
Dr. Nwankwoala, Hycienth Ogunka
University of Port Harcourt
Nigeria Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Environmental Sciences
Dr. Cristina Mihaela Barbu
Universitatea Spiru Haret
Romania Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Environmental Sciences
Dr. Soubindra Kumar Padhi
Siksha O Anusandhan University
India Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences
Dr. D. Brindha
Thiagarajar College of Engineering
India Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Engineering; Earth and Planetary Sciences
Dr. Anil Kumar Tripathy
Seemanta Engg College
India Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Environmental Science
Dr. Ehab Bani-Hani
Australian College of Kuwait
Kuwait Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Energy, Engineering and Environmental Science
Dr. Ali Mohamed Ali Hamdan
Aswan University
Egypt Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Earth and Planetary Sciences
Dr. Jyh-Woei, Lin
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Taiwan Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Earth and Planetary Sciences
Dr. Mohamed Zidan Mohamed Salem
Alexandria University
Egypt Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Environmental Science, Immunology and Microbiology
Dr. Maurice Odondi kâOrowe
Jommo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Kenya Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Environmental Science
Dr. Muhammad Umar Farooq
University of Management and Technology Lahore
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Environmental Science, Chemistry
Dr. Ubaidillah Zuhdi
Gdansk University of Technology
Poland Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Environmental Sciences; Social Sciences
Dr. Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor
Edo State University Uzairue
Nigeria Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences Research Interest/Area : Applied Physics, Climatic Physics, Environmental Physics, Telecommunication Physics and Material Science