Conscientia Beam’s Editing Services
Conscientia Beam is able to provide several tailored editing services to authors that are quick, accurate and competitively priced.
We offer language editing to ensure your paper’s English is perfect and other services including a quick turnaround service for grammar checks and a specialist edit service for subject matter issues. With our language editing services, native speakers edit every manuscript and are able to improve the clarity of content in each paper.
With our quick turnaround or rapid check for grammar we offer feedback on the grammar and phrasing in your paper within four business days.
With our specialist edit we offer both a grammar check as well as a check on subject matter, terms and style by an expert in your research field. These edits tend to take a little bit longer to complete.
Which editing option is right for my paper?
The editing option you choose will be dependent on your level of competency in the English language, your ability to write academically and any time constraints that you may have.
The most in-depth and comprehensive option is what we term the special edit. Choosing this option means that your paper will be examined and checked for grammar, style, subject matter and terminology as well as the overall structure and clarity in your writing. The specialist edit is not, however, available for all our subject areas and fields at this point in time.
If you are short on time and you think your paper’s writing style and structure are well set out, you should choose the fas t turnaround or rapid grammar check service. This is the quickest option out of all our editing services.
To save you and our editing even more time, you can also choose the layout editing option. This will ensure that we format and layout your paper according to the guidelines that Conscientia Beam has set out for every journal. The layout editing can be chosen by itself or with one of the other editing services.
What file format should I send my papers in for editing?
We ask that you submit your papers for editing in a Microsoft Word document file format.
How do I submit my manuscript for editing?
We currently only accept manuscripts for editing if they are emailed to us as attachments.
What is the maximum length that you can edit?
We do not set a fixed upper limit on length or word count for the papers that we edit. However, for any papers longer than 10,000 words please get in touch with us before you submit your paper for editing.
The longer the paper, the more time it may take to edit it. We also only accept research articles and papers not books or academic theses for editing. These are currently outside our scope.
How much does it cost?
The formatting and layout cost of your paper is set at a fixed rate but the cost of editing your paper will depend on the editing option that you need and the word count or length of your paper.
Which payment methods are available?
You will receive an invoice shortly after submitting your paper. Payment can be made via credit card, bank transfer or Paypal but must be made in the US dollars (USD).
Paying by credit card is the easiest and quickest payment option and we will be able to start editing your paper as soon as we have received payment confirmation which is immediate when using this payment method.
Paypal is also immediate but has a 5% transfer fee. Bank transfers will take several days to confirm payment and so we would not be able to start editing your paper straight away.
If you think there may be a delay in payment for any reason, please get in touch with evidence that the payment is being processed and we may be able to return an edited manuscript to you sooner.
What is included in the layout editing service?
The layout editing service includes our editors reformatting your paper to comply with Conscientia Beam’s house style and guidelines for the Conscientia Beam journal that you wish to submit it to. It also includes formatting of references and ensuring that there is no information missing in the references and main text. The service does not, however, include any editing of the language but you can choose to add on a grammar check or language editing service.
What is included in the rapid grammar check?
Most journals will require your grammar to be perfect when submitting your articles and this level of editing is designed to ensure that your paper meets this standard. Your writing will be edited to be grammatically correct without any awkward or ambiguous sentences and where possible your voice and choice of words will be kept. The correct use of a discipline specific term is however not guaranteed and prose will not be rewritten. This is a two-day service.
What is included in the specialist edit?
The specialist edit is our most in-depth and comprehensive service. It includes all the features of the rapid grammar check but also additionally has editing and feedback relevant to the overall structure, style, clarity of expression and subject matter in your paper. The specialist edit takes four business days to complete.
Under what circumstances will you not edit my paper?
There are several reasons we may not be able to edit your paper:
• The file is corrupted or the text is not easily editable (e.g. most of the text is contained in text boxes or pictures, or if the file contains a virus).
• The file is not an academic research paper. While we can edit responses to reveiwers and cover letters along with a paper, we do not edit theses, dissertations, essays, or books.
• Your manuscript is not written in English, or has been translated using automatic software such as Google Translate.
• Payment is not received in a reasonable amount of time. If you know in advance that it may take some time, for example due to bureaucracy at your institution, please contact us to let us know. It may be possible to return your edited paper to you if you provide evidence that payment has been made.
Who do I contact if I have questions or feedback?
For any inquiries, please contact our English editing help desk on the following
Email : .