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Open Access
Open Access at Conscientia Beam
All our journals now allow authors to choose the open access option when publishing their articles. The open access option means that an article will be available for free to any reader anywhere in the world.
You will be given the option to choose open access publishing when your article is accepted for publication. Conscientia Beam’s publication process with rigorous peer review, professional editing, production and international visibility, is the same for all articles whether they are published as open access or not. All articles also enjoy the same level of functionality on the website.
How does the process work?
You can submit your article to the Conscientia Beam journal of your choice in the usual manner. When your article has been accepted for publication, you will be given the option to choose open access publishing. If you choose the open access option, you will be asked to pay the open access publication fee.
What are my Open Access Licensing options?
Conscientia Beam gives all authors of open access articles the option to choose Creative Commons licenses to enable the open publication of their articles. The Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 states that the author allows the reader or user to:
- Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and,
- Adapt— remix, transform, and build upon the material,
For any purpose, even commercially
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
What about copyright?
As an author you will always retain copyright in your work but if you select the open access option you are required to agree to the open access terms and conditions that the article is based on original work and is not in breach of anyone else’s rights and is not in any way otherwise unlawful or illegal.
Submission to another journal is not permitted.
If you post the article on any other website or online repository or database, you should include an acknowledgement in the form of a full citation of the journal as the original source of publication and this must include a link to the journal webpage and/or a DOI as soon as it is available. Acknowledging the original source of publication in this way will help in getting the work cited