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Listing 132 - 20 of 2809 results.

Determinants of Organizational Performance in Nigeria: Evidence from Service Firms

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This paper examined tacit knowledge, motivational incentives, participative leadership and workers competence as determinants of organizational performance in Nigeria. The examination is planned to identify the highest predicting variables of organizational performance. The study utilized questionnaire, which was administered to five hundred (500) employees of some selected service firms in Nigeria. Data obtained were analyzed using correlation and factor analyses. Findings indicated that tacit knowledge and participative leadership has the highest factors loading, hence both predict organizational performance compared to workers’ competence with the lowest factor loading. Given the correlation result, it was found that tacit knowledge and participative leadership contribute positively organizational performance. On the other hand, workers’ competence and motivational incentive negatively affect organizational performance. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that since tacit knowledge predicts organizational performance, it should be properly managed taking into cognizance all the other factors such as motivational incentives, participative leadership and workers competence that tend to have any connection with management of tacit knowledge and organizational performance.
Contribution/ Originality
M10; D83; L25.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Impacts of Career Adaptability, Life Meaning, Career Satisfaction, and Work Volition on Level of Life Satisfaction and Job Performance

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Career adaptability has been considered as a critical and pivotal factor in catalyzing desirable positive outcomes for employees in terms of life satisfaction and work performance. This paper aims to investigate the mechanism by which state employees’ ability to adapt in their careers can increase in levels of well-being as well as job performance. Using data collected from 301 respondents from public organizations in Long An Province, Vietnam, this paper implements partial least squares structural equation modeling to investigate the research model. The findings show that career adaptability have positive impacts on both career satisfaction and work volition, which both affect life satisfaction. On the other hand, although adaptability helps state employees easily cope with their work and feel a sense of purpose in life, life meaning had no relationship with life satisfaction. Finally, both career adaptability and employees’ positive attitudes of high levels of life satisfaction can boost performance at work. This study also makes some theoretical contributions to the research field and suggests managerial implications for state organizations.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the literature on career adaptability and its relationship with other employee constructs. Moreover, this is one of very few studies which investigate the subject in an emerging market, such as Vietnam, providing interesting findings to offer further practical suggestions for Vietnamese public organizations.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Fiscal Allocation and Intergovernmental Relations in the Nigeria’s Fourth Republic

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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This study examined the effect of fiscal allocation on intergovernmental relations in Nigeria's fourth republic. Sharing of accrued revenue among the tiers of government is not new in many countries of the world, especially those practising federalism as a system of government. The issue of fiscal allocation has posed major concern that affects political, economic and social relations among the levels of government. The share of the revenue from the sale of crude oil in Nigeria has caused unending conflicts among the tiers of government. In discussing the issues under consideration, this paper adopts an exploratory method of analysis with materials source from journals, articles, books, internet, etc. empirical data also made use where appropriate. The findings of this paper revealed that the formula for sharing revenue in Nigeria cannot address problems of fiscal federalism and intergovernmental relations among the three tiers of governments. This paper, therefore, suggests among others, that there should be constitutional amendments, which will give the component units sovereign to utilize their resources discretionally without the interference of the centre.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contributions from the finding are that states and local governments should have a certain level of control on their resources and improve the internally generated revenue. Centralized fiscal federalism should be modified through constitutional means. Fiscal decentralization and financial autonomy should be encouraged where tiers of government in Nigeria will have sovereignty over resources in their domain without interferences.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Comparative Analysis of Thermal Retention Capacity of Ice Chest Wood Cooler Stands Made from Pinus Caribeae and Nauclea Diderichii

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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The efficacy of a cooler or ice chest is measured by its preservative potentials, and how long it can make substance such as food and drinks remain hot/cold. In ensuring that an ice chest meets up to its expectation, this work investigated the construction, thaw rate and heat retention capacity of an ice chest cooler stands made from Pinus caribeae and Nauclea diderichii wood, with a view of improving its ability to maintain hotness/coldness of any substance stored in it for a longer period of time. The wood samples were machined and fabricated into a cooler stand in which plastic coolers were placed. 10kg mass of Ice block (0oC) and hot water (100oC) were used for the two tests considered in this study. Meanwhile, an ordinary cooler was used as a control. Weight reduction and thermometer were used to measure the thaw rate of the ice block and temperature loss of the water. For the ice block test, 6kg (1.8oC), 5kg (0.20oC) and 3kg (0.22oC) of ice block were left after 8 hours, while for the hot water test, water temperatures were 45oC, 25oC and 18oC after 12 hours for ice chest made from N. diderichi, P. caribaea and control respectively. The thaw rate and temperature loss was lowest for ice chest made with N. diderichi, thus implying that N. diderichi wood is a better choice for making wooden cooler stand. This study thus confirms that wood can be used to improve thermal retention capacity of ice chest cooler.
Contribution/ Originality
Thermal retention, Ice chest cooler, Pinus caribeae, Nauclea diderichii, Thaw rate, Temperature loss.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Waste Management By Waste to Energy Initiatives in India

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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This century is known for exponentially growing population and development but with huge waste production. The waste produced requires land, labour and capital to for treatment and disposal of such huge amount of waste. In India, people throw or consider it as waste after single use so Indian waste can be good resource for recovery of various products. The waste produced is difficult to manage using conventional methods and is ever increasing, blocking essential land that has become an expensive commodity in today's world. This work explores the current practices of the various waste management initiatives and a critical assessment of traditional waste to energy procedure adopted in India. It gives an overview of the various waste management systems in India. Suggestions for improving the health of society, waste management processes, process performance, environmental assessment parameters to plasma gasification,-an alternate waste to energy has been also discussed. Recommendation has been made for the micro-waste plant to solve the waste challenges.
Contribution/ Originality
The main contribution of the paper is to assess waste management in India and certain waste emerging innovations –Waste to Energy, which are technically applicable and relevant. It also addresses how the use of advanced waste technologies like plasma can be a way of achieving a circular economy as well as less environmental impact.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Analysis of Human Resource Development and Planning as Moderators of Employee Performance

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This aim of this study was to examine the moderating role that planning has on human resource development and employee performance at Perum Bulog in the regional division of South Sumatra, Indonesia. The research methodology used the structural equation model approach and was carried out using the SmartPLS 2.0.M3 program. The management of this research employed inferential statistical data analysis measured using SmartPLS software. The hypothesis testing was carried out using the structural equation model approach based on partial least squares (PLS). PLS is a component- or variant-based structural equation model. The results showed that the variable of human resource development has an effect on the performance of the Regional Office of Regional Division of South Sumatra. The results of the human resource planning test showed an effect on the performance of the South Sumatra regional division employees.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to literature on the importance of human resource planning for efficient performance.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

The Relative Contributions of Explicit and Implicit Instruction in the Learning of EFL Apologies

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study aims to compare the influence of explicit versus implicit teaching on the learning of apology realization strategies in a foreign language context. To this end, 86 Arab elementary learners of English were divided into three groups: (1) a group that was introduced to the target realization strategies explicitly, (2) a group that was introduced to the target strategies implicitly, and (3) a comparison group that did not receive any instruction on the target strategies. Using a pre-/posttest design, the three groups completed a discourse completion task as a pretest, immediate posttest and delayed test. The apology-specific strategies the students produced in these tests were compared using mixed ANOVA and Bonferroni pairwise comparisons. The results revealed a positive influence for both the explicit and implicit teaching approaches with relatively more gains for explicit teaching. The effectiveness of the two approaches varied based on a number of factors including the time of test (i.e., immediate or delayed posttest), the learners’ prior knowledge, and the cultural acceptability of the apology-specific strategy. The results are interpreted in light of the existing literature and relevant theoretical hypotheses.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have compared the influence of explicit versus implicit teaching on the learning of speech acts in a foreign language context. Research in this area is imperative to enhance our understanding of effective approaches to increase language learners’ pragmatic competence.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Relationship Between General Educators Beliefs and Teaching Performance in Teaching Students with Learning Difficulties in Intermediate Schools in Saudi Arabia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Although Saudi Arabia has committed to inclusive education for students with learning difficulties (LD), limited research has focused on general educators’ beliefs and their teaching performance. Moreover, the best implementation of inclusion is not only placement of students with LD in general education classroom, but first and foremost is focusing on educators’ beliefs towards having LD students in their classroom in order to improve those practices. Thus, all educators should seek the belief that all students even with disabilities belong to regular classrooms. This investigation examines the relationship between teachers’ beliefs and their teaching performance along with the moderating effect of gender on this relationship. A sample of 401 general educators from intermediate schools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia was included in this study. This quantitative research project used a questionnaire to gather information on the educators’ demographic information, beliefs and teaching performance. By using structural equation modelling (SEM) via AMOS, all valid 401 questionnaires were analyzed. The findings revealed that educators’ beliefs were correlated positively with their teaching performance. However, the results showed that gender did not moderate the relationship between educators’ beliefs and their teaching performance. The findings of this study may offer perception for stakeholders in the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia to rethink ways to develop teaching performance of teachers in inclusive practices. The recommendations from the study and the suggestions for further studies are discussed. This limited research about educators’ practices has created the need for a thorough investigation of the factors that predict their teaching performance.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated relationship between general educators’ beliefs and teaching performance in Saudi Arabia. The finding of this study has the potential positive reflection on educators’ teaching performance of teaching students with LD hence enhancing and improving inclusive practices in Saudi Arabia.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Using Padlet as a Technological Tool for Assessment of Students Writing Skills in Online Classroom Settings

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The lifestyle of humans is constantly changing due to globalisation. The demand for suitable and appropriate technological tools applicable in the teaching and learning processes is therefore increasing. The traditional method of chalk and talk in a classroom setting is slowly being replaced with Web 2.0 due to various implications. However, studies on the implications and effectiveness of these tools towards students’ assessment of their learning process are lacking, especially in the writing skill. This study aims to provide a report on the use of an online learning platform for assessing students’ writing skills. Padlet is used in this study as an online learning platform. The respondents comprise 70 level two teachers from national primary schools in Sarawak. Level two refers to years 4, 5 and 6 in the Malaysian education context. Survey questionnaires, observation checklists and semi-structured interviews were employed and their results were analyzed through frequency and thematic content analysis. The main findings in this research show that the respondents exhibit positive responses towards Padlet. This study also provides some concerns that arise during the implementation of Padlet in the classroom. Limited Internet connection and lack of Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills amongst the students are the two major issues found during the intervention. The implication of this study is relevant to the new pedagogical tool in writing assessment for the current generation of students.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on teaching and learning strategy and methodology in language writing assessment relevant to the current generation of students. It aims to analyze and explore the feasibility of an online learning platform, namely Padlet, to be used among primary students for writing assessments.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

E-Learning and Academic Performance during Covid-19: The Case of Teaching Integral Calculus

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study investigates the impact of implementing integral calculus lectures which were originally very suitable in face-to-face delivery, but during the Covid-19 pandemic situation, these were delivered online through e-learning. This research analyzes the correlation between self-efficacy, creativity perception, and productive disposition towards academic performance using path analysis and was modeled in the form of regression equation. This study involved 108 students (35 males and 72 females) at a university in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The research instrument used was questionnaire of self-efficacy (11 items), creativity perception (15 items) and mathematical disposition (14 items). All research variable items had a Pearson correlation (r) greater than 0.25, so all items were said to be valid. The reliability coefficient of Cronbach's Alpha for self-efficacy, perceived creativity, and productive disposition were included in the high category. The results showed a correlation between self-efficacy and creativity perception with regard to productive disposition. There was also a direct correlation between self-efficacy and academic performance. Creativity perception did not show a direct influence on academic performance nor. Productive disposition had a direct influence on academic performance. There was a correlation between self-efficacy, creativity perception, and productive disposition of academic performance. Self-efficacy (happy to help other friends, dare to face criticism and challenges, and dare to compete to win a competition) had the largest contribution to academic performance while creativity perception (creative ideas must be sophisticated and complex, creative people have high curiosity, creative people find it difficult to accept different opinions from others, creativity can only be developed in certain people, and creativity comes over by chance) has the smallest one. These findings can be used as first step in understanding creative perception as a weak contribution to cognitive abilities about academic performance, even though creativity has an important role in developing mathematics performance.
Contribution/ Originality
The originality of this study lies in it investigating the impact of implementing integral calculus lectures through e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. It shows how the application of e-learning can encourage students to engage and manage learning independently and learn in a practical way. Factors like self-efficacy and perception of creativity have been analyzed to determine how they affected students’ academic performance.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Board Cultural Diversity and Firm Performance

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The contemporary belief that diversified boards perform better has prompted an investigation of board characteristics and how they influence firm performance. This study examines cultural diversity in boards and the performance of Nigerian firms. Specifically, it investigates the phenomenon of board culture as a “double-edged sword” with the aim of providing new evidence from the perspective of emerging markets. Board cultural diversity viewed the “foreignness” (the degree of a firm’s foreign orientation) of the board and firm, gender diversity, and board independence. Firm performance was measured by return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). A sample of 23 financial services firms from the Nigerian stock market over the period between 2006 and 2018 was used for the study, which applied a non-linear symmetric GARCH model for the analysis. The results revealed that board culture has a significant negative impact on performance. This result is sensitive to performance measures and is homogeneous to all firms because the control variables for firms’ heterogeneity were statistically insignificant.
Contribution/ Originality
This study advances the existing literature on the influence of cultural diversity within corporate boards on corporate performance using data from a developing economy. It uses a non-linear estimation technique that can accommodate heteroscedasticity in the data to model the dynamics of board culture and performance.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Ecosystem Services Assessment of Mangrove Forest in a Coastal Island of Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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Using the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs of UK (DEFRA) framework, all the ecosystem services from the Hatiya coastal forest under the Noakhali Coastal Forest Division of Bangladesh have been listed down to prepare a considerable record for valuing ecosystem services. Different valuation assessment techniques like market price method, travel cost method, Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) have been used to calculate timber, fish, and tourism values. Following the allometric equation, the sequestrated biomass carbon has been estimated. This study has evaluated the economic values of different ecosystem services in Hatiya coastal forests, including timber value of 32year aged old plantation as 303,040.50 thousand USD, annual fish catch amount as 61.5 thousand metric ton (MT) price with 115,217.25 thousand USD, the value of newly accreted land 22,239.46 thousand USD of 6000 ha, annual tourism value of 114.90 thousand USD and the willingness to pay by the tourists as 6.06 thousand USD. The study also estimated the total stored carbon amount by biomass and soil of the area as 252304.67 ton and 1365642.098 ton, respectively. In addition, using the GIS tool, the Land-use and Land-cover (LULC) change has been assessed to show the mangrove area condition comparing with previous years. This study aims to be a preliminary source for valuing ecosystem services further in Hatiya and other coastal forests, which will drive the policymakers to take appropriate and realistic initiatives for sustainable management of coastal forests as well as allocate budget for the forestry sector during national planning.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which investigated the ecosystem services of any coastal plantation in Bangladesh. The paper’s primary contribution is enlisting the ecosystem services with their possible value estimation. The outcome will be significant for proper planning and budgeting in coastal forest management.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

The Relationship Between Market Share and Profitability of Ghanaian Banks

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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As an important indicator of banks’ performance, market share has been of interest to researchers and managers owing to its contribution to profitability and the variations in the face of the banking sector. This study aims at revealing the various factors that affect the market share of banks in Ghana and examine its relationship with profitability. We employ the fixed and random effect as well as the system General Methods of Moments estimation techniques on panel data for 12 banks in Ghana. The results from this study show that non-performing loans and liquidity are significant determinants and relate negatively with the market share of banks while leverage and bank size are also significant determinants but relate positively with the market share of these banks. The study further revealed that market share positively and significantly affects the profitability of banks. Banks are therefore recommended to adopt ways such as innovation, strengthening of customer relationships, and smart hiring practices that will help them increase their market share to improve on the performance and profitability of the banks.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies which have investigated the drivers of market share as well as the effect of market share on profitability in Ghana. The findings will guide the bank of Ghana in developing appropriate policies to accelerate the growth of the Ghanaian banking industry.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 04-2021 Issue: 4

World Governance Indicators and Fraud: Evidence from One Belt One Road Countries

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This paper investigates the effect of worldwide governance indicators and global competitiveness on the level of accounting fraud in One Belt One Road (OBOR) countries. We use publicly available data from various sources. We perform principal components analysis to reduce the six governance indicators to three governance indexes. Governance indicators have significant impact on fraud and the effect could be positive or negative depending on the dimensions involved. Voice and accountability and political stability show significant negative impact on the number of fraud cases. Competitiveness shows a positive but insignificant effect on the level of fraud cases. Democratic countries report lesser number of fraud cases. The findings should be read with caution because of the diversity in the countries in the sample. OBOR countries exhibit different governance models, which may affect their indicators and as a result, the extent of fraud cases reported may be influenced by the regime practiced by a country. The study considers the relevance of governance indicators to policymakers in dealing with rising level of fraud since fraudulent activities affect productivity. Fraud analysis should be embedded in the governance architecture of countries to stimulate development and mitigate the risks of bankruptcies, business failures and loss of investments.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes to literature on fraud and forensic accounting theories by employing the institutional framework to highlight the occurrence of fraud in different settings.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Role of Telephone Counseling in Facing the Problems of the Adolescents Suffering from Cyberbullying from the Perspective of Student Counselors

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The present research aims to identify the role of telephone counseling in facing the social, familial, psychological, and educational problems among the adolescents suffering from cyberbullying. Moreover, it defines the major obstacles and the suggestions that reinforce this role. The author adopted the descriptive analytical approach. The sample comprised (85) student counselors from Riyadh public schools. A questionnaire was used to collect the required data. The results showed that the fundamental skills of the telephone counselors who deal with those adolescents involved the skills of observing verbal behavior, forming and keeping counseling relationships, as well as cohesion and bonding. Furthermore, the social role of telephone counseling involved encouraging the adolescents to integrate with the community members. The family role included developing the family's awareness of accepting the adolescent as well as his/her problems. The psychological role involved helping the adolescent feel the others' appreciation. The educational role included developing the adolescent's awareness of how to plan for his/her academic future. The major obstacle was the necessity to arrange an occasional face-to-face meeting. To activate the role of telephone counseling in reducing the aforementioned problems, the author suggests developing the adolescents' awareness of how to benefit from telephone counseling. The research recommends involving the adolescents in defining the goals of telephone counseling as well as developing the professional level of telephone counselors.
Contribution/ Originality
The present study is an addition to the counseling field. It educates the community and introduces telephone counseling services. Moreover, it helps educators take necessary measures and actions to prevent cyberbullying. It develops social workers and student counselors to utilize telephone counseling techniques when handling the victims of cyberbullying.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Impacts of the U.S.-China Trade Conflicts News on U.S. and Chinese Stock Returns

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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With the China’s emergence in the global economy, the United States has faced a widening trade deficit with China, which led to a very unbalanced trade relationship. Acrimonious differences concerning the “fairness” of the two sides’ industry subsidies triggered the U.S.-China trade conflict (trade war) through the action of both countries levying extreme unilateral tariffs. The trade war has affected both the values of the import and export goods produced by firms and also have caused investors to lose confidence, thus inducing economic the panic that is reflected in price fluctuations in related stock markets. That is, U.S. and China stock markets may be sensitive to media news on the trade war, as reports of policy announcements result in corrections to investors’ market expectations. Thus, this research aims to reveal whether media news’ coverage of the U.S.-China trade conflicts predicts the two countries’ daily stock returns. We find that US-China trade news could increase two-day-ahead stock return in China, whereas the same news would decrease four-day-ahead stock return in US. The opposite effects imply that U.S. investors react pessimistically to news in a free and open market economic system, while Chinese investors are more optimistic about the news in a socialist market economic system with beliefs in their more powerful government.
Contribution/ Originality
The papers primary contribution is finding that US-China trade news increases two-day-ahead stock return in China, whereas the same news decreases four-day-ahead stock return in US. It may imply U.S. investors react pessimistically in a free and open economic system, while Chinese investors are more optimistic in a socialist market.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Drying Characteristics and Kinetics of Okra at Different Thickness

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research

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The effect of sample thickness and temperature on the drying characteristics of okra was investigated using a laboratory moisture analyser (Denver instrument IR-30) at sample thickness of 5mm, 10mm and 15mm and temperatures of 90oC, 100oC and 110oC respectively. The experimental data was fitted into three thin layer mathematical models. The fitness of the experimental data were evaluated using statistical analysis. It was observed that data fitted well with the Page model for the temperatures and sample thicknesses with the highest R2 values of (0.9904, 0.9962, 0.9963); (0.9963. 0.0072, 0.9937); (0.9924, 0.9940, 0.9933) for 5mm-. 15mm thickness at 90oC, 100oC and 110oC respectively with the lowest ?2, MBE and RMSE values. Therefore, Page models adequately described the drying characteristics of okra investigated. The effective moisture ratios were observed to increase with temperature and decrease with okra thickness. The activation energies obtained from Arrhenius equation for 5mm, 10mm and 15mm were 108.7KJ/mol, 118.7KJ/mol and 97.8KJ/mol respectively.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the characteristics and kinetics of okra with effect of thickness.
Engineering » International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Effects of an Interventional Music Program on Learning Skills of Primary-School Students with Dyslexia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Research has shown that children with dyslexia have difficulties perceiving rhythm, and that musical training can enhance their learning skills. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of an interventional music-training program based on rhythm-perception enhancement, within the curriculum of the music course in Greece. For this purpose, this research was conducted on primary school students over a period of 12 weeks. Thirty-two students of the 4th Elementary class, diagnosed with dyslexia, participated in the study. The LAMDA (Learning Skills and Weakness Detection Software) test, a weighted tool for automated detection of learning difficulties in written and oral language, was used to assess the improvement of children. The assessment showed that the interventional music-training program improved students' performance in areas such as word recognition, grammar spelling, visual sequences and rhythm reproduction. The research findings indicate that the incorporation of an appropriately adapted music program into the primary school curriculum, as well as the use of music as a systematic treatment, may have positive effects on students with dyslexia.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the positive effect of an interventional music training program on the learning skills of students with dyslexia. The study identifies innovative musical activities adapted to the needs of students with dyslexia and employs the LAMDA test to assess the intervention’s effects.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

Seasonal Wildfire Outbreak Trend and its Consequences on Forest Biodiversity and the Environment: A Case Study of Sierra Leone

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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Sierra Leone is classified as a high wildfire risk country with a weather that support 50% chance of igniting wildfire especially from January to March each year. Wildfire outbreak in Sierra Leone has been having ecological, economic and health impacts on people and the environment over the years. This case study explores Sierra Leone’s wildfire outbreak trend, distribution, status, causes and consequences on biodiversity & the environment and proposed the way forward in tackling wildfire ignition, prevention and control methods in the near future. The daily active fire data from November 2000 to December 2019 were acquired from NASA MCD14DL product. Centroid vectors of fire events in 1 km by 1 km pixel were counted to give the total number of fire events in different administrative regions. Data was imported into the R Studio, version 4.0.3 from 2000-2019 for visualization and other graphical representation. The results show that the north-west and south-west experiences more wildfire incidence than other regions in Sierra Leone hence affecting the natural ecosystem. January to March was detected as the most wildfire prone months especially in the northern part of Sierra Leone. The results suggest that topography; climatic pattern and vegetation type has been considered a strong factor in influencing wildfire ignition over the years. The study concludes that the outdated 1924 fire prevention and control Act and climate change uncertainties are partially responsible for the frequent wildfire outbreak across Sierra Leone.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies that investigated wildfire trend, outbreak and causes in Sierra Leone. The study uses data from NASA MCD14DL product from 2000 to 2019. Results show that the north-west and south-west experiences more wildfire incidence with January and March classified wildfire prone months.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

The Actual Situation of Practising Reading Skills in Teaching Chemistry in English at Vietnamese High School

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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There are many types of research by scientists around the world studying effective methods of learning foreign languages, including English, especially its use in teaching science subjects. Few people are aware of the criteria to assess the level of the use of the English language skills in teaching science subjects. We surveyed 14 teachers, 486 students in 10 high schools in Ho Chi Minh City, one of the largest and most modern cities in Vietnam. A need was felt to examine how to develop and practice English reading comprehension skills for teaching chemistry in high schools. This study analyzes the theoretical and the realistic aspects required for practicing English reading comprehension skills to teach chemistry. The study investigated the skills level requirement by the chemistry teachers and students and offered an evaluation scale to assess those skill levels. The findings of these projects will provide teachers and students with a helpful toolkit to assess the academic result of students. This toolkit comprises the scale of proficiency in reading comprehension skills in learning chemistry in English in high school.
Contribution/ Originality
This study provides teachers and students with a helpful toolkit to assess the academic result of students, which is the scale of proficiency in reading comprehension skill of students in learning chemistry in English in high school.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3