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Listing 5 - 20 of 2809 results.

Sea oil Spill: An Approach Difficult to Overcome by Insurance and International Regulation

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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Every form of human activities is yield to risk either by an accident or a disease, resulting in injury or death. Generating energy is not an exception. Although such a risk has been previously considered for conventional systems (coal, oil and nuclear), a similar analysis for the so-called alternative or non-conventional systems (solar, wind, ocean thermal and methanol) has been lacking. Nuclear power and natural gas has had the lowest risk rate, though.Risk is an important concept particularly in the fields of industry, environment, finance, law, health, and of course insurance. Knight Frank has proposed a distinction that distinguishes between risk and uncertainty: A risk can be assigned to mathematical probabilities but not to uncertainty. Risk is defined as the probability of occurrence of this event and the magnitude of its consequences (and hazardous issues). It can be applied to people, property, or the natural environment.We will examine the risk of oil pollution and its impact on sea environment.Our study will be oriented towards a new problem that has taken an increasingly important role and may become one of the major problems of our time: it is the pollution of our planet by artificial radio-elements resulting from the use of nuclear energy whose different applications are characterized by the appearance of radioactive waste, i.e. materials that spontaneously emitionizing radiation in which the radioactivity is artificially produced.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 03-2013 Issue: 1

The Different Types of Delinquent Behavior in the Hospitality Industry. Case Study from Greece

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Delinquent behavior in hotels is well known both to the hotel industry professionals as well as to the customers. The particularity of hotels being considered to provide a "hospitable" and discreet environment, tranquility and security, prevents the disclosure of the incidents of delinquency that occur in them. In Greece, as well as abroad, despite the fact that delinquent acts are known to occur constantly in hotels, nonetheless the facts do not easily go public, and there seems to exist no hotel department responsible for systematically and ’scientifically’ managing the cases in question. This study aims to record and classify the incidents of delinquent behavior occurring in the Greek hospitality industry through primary research conducted at hotels throughout Greece. In parallel, a record was created, of the way the incidents were handled, who was the person that managed such incidents, the existence -or not- of staff training, the employment of security personnel, whether the assistance of the police was required or not, communication management of the incidents, etc. The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires in combination with structured interviews with hotels’ executives. The results demonstrate the existence of all kinds of delinquency such as theft, drug use/ abuse, prostitution, fraud, domestic violence, etc. Due to the lack of systematic research in Greek hotels for the phenomena of delinquent behavior and ways of their management, combined with the location, the type, the seasonality and the size of the enterprise, a new survey is proposed to be conducted by means of a targeted research involving scientists originating from the field of social and legal sciences, management, psychology, etc. in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the problem and methodology to tackle the issue.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 11-2013 Issue: 11

Solutions to Improve Educational Management Quality

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Nowadays, enhancing the quality in educational systems of different countries has gained especial importance and stand. Improving utilizing and increasing the quality in our country’s educational system is felt too. One of the utilizing factors in education system is to improve the educational management quality.In this article, effective factors in educational management quality and one of its improving solutions, thorough management quality, is analyzed.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 11-2013 Issue: 11

Measuring SMEs’ Sustainability: A Literature Review and Agenda for Research

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Environmental hazards can be caused by firms’ lack of awareness of social and natural concerns. Firms of all sizes can have significant environmental impacts at regional and global levels. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the majority of all businesses in developing and developed economies, contribute to national GDP and make significant distributions to employment, but they have fundamental problems in terms of resources and this tends to harm their business sustainability. Various methods to review business sustainability have been developed. However, researchers have not yet assessed SMEs’ sustainability levels using comprehensive measures. This is particularly problematic in the manufacturing sector because the purpose of this review of SMEs’ sustainability is the criteria that can be used to assess SMEs’ sustainability levels. These criteria include firms’ internal and external factors and stakeholders as well as present and future interests. As such this paper establishes a basis for future research.
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Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 12

Analysis of the Determinants of Marriage to First Birth Interval in Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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In this study an attempt has been made to examine the marriage to first birth interval and also to identify the socio-economic, demographic and cultural factors influencing the first birth interval among married women in Bangladesh. For this purpose the present study utilized the Bangladesh Demographic and health survey (Bdhs, 2004). Birth interval is major determinant of the rates of fertility. The average marriage to first birth interval of the respondent’s is observed to be 33.49 months. Independents test of chi-square and proportional hazards model are used to study the effect of selected background characteristics on first birth interval in Bangladesh. Accepted religion of respondent’s all of the independent variable has strong association with first birth interval. Result from proportional hazards model reveal that respondent’s education, access to mass media, age at first marriage, and use of contraception has highly significant impact on first interval excluding Rajshahi and Khulna division. Husband’s education is partially significant over first birth interval and childhood place of residence has little bit connotation on first birth interval.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 12

Impact of Product Development and Innovation on Organisational Performance

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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In today’s global market, businesses are faced with intensive competition and in order to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage, they have to adopt processes and system for development of their new products, as well as the improvement of the existing products through innovation. This study was designed to investigate the relationship between organizational performance and product development by innovation. The data was collected from the marketing managers, operation managers and those managers who have been involving greatly in product development and innovation process. A total of 185 useable questionnaires were completed though research sample of 120 firms in Nigeria. The result of the study were interpreted using Likert model and SPSS package for the analysis of some appropriate statistical methods such as factor analysis, regression, and reliability analysis. The findings show that the impact of product development on organizational performance was higher in Nigeria when consumers perceive product innovation as stronger, more favorable and more unique. Creativity/quality of the innovation process exert a positive influence on product development and organizational performance. To literature, the study has supported previous studies on product development and performance especially in developing economies such as Nigeria, Malaysia, Ghana, and among others. Therefore, it was recommended that creative/quality innovations should be maintained continuously to develop appropriate product continually.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 12

Screening of Salt Tolerant Potentiality and Development Of In Vitro Tissue Culture System for Some Local Rice (Oryza Sativa.L) Varieties

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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The present investigation was aimed to establishment of an efficient in vitro tissue culture system with high frequency callus and regeneration induction of some local rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. Mature Seed Scutellum (MSS) as explants for three rice varieties which were Rajashail, Katicota, and BRRI-22 were taken as an experimental material and cultured on MS based different PGRs and additives supplemented media. In this study, in vitro experiments were conducted for assessing the effects of salt stress on germination rate, length of shoot and root of germinated plant, callus induction, fresh weight of callus and finally regeneration. For germination and callus induction frequency, MSS was cultured on MS-based medium supplemented with different concentrations of NaCl from 0.2% to 1.5%. With increasing the NaCl concentration, both the rate of germination and callus proliferation were decreased. In case of callus induction, callus was formed only for the medium contained 0.2% and 0.5% and 1% NaCl. Gradual reductions in regeneration frequency as well as number of plantlet were observed with increasing the salt concentration in MS-based medium supplemented with 2.5 mgl-1 BAP. All cultivars responded well on medium supplemented with 0.2% and 0.5% NaCl. The best responded regarding the callus induction frequency, the regeneration frequency and the number of shoot per callus were obtained from cv. Rajashail and Katicota among three varieties. A number of regeneration media were also evaluated for regeneration. The optimized medium for plant regeneration was MS + 2.0 mgl-1BAP + 3 mgl-1NAA. These studies revealed that callus induction and plant regeneration frequency were determined by medium combinations as well as genotype of plant. Thus, for developing a new and more potent salt tolerant cell lines, these 2 varieties can be used as suitable sources.
Contribution/ Originality

Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 12

Student-Teachers’ Attitudes toward Students with Disabilities: Associations with Contact and Empathy

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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There is little research on student-teachers’ attitudes and contact with students with disabilities, and even fewer researchers have investigated student-teachers’ empathy. This study investigated the association between student-teachers’ contact with students with disabilities and their attitudes toward students with disabilities as well as the association between student-teachers’ attitudes toward students with disabilities and their level of empathy. Student-teachers’ contact with students with disabilities was not associated with their attitudes toward students with disabilities. However, higher student-teacher empathy was associated with attitudes that were more positive toward students with disabilities. While most educators would agree that future teachers should be exposed to as many diverse students as possible, this study points to an interpersonal quality that may play a more vital role in shaping future teachers’ attitudes toward students with disabilities. This affects how we prepare future teachers and highlights the need for empathy training for future teachers.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 11-2013 Issue: 8

An Investigation of Mineralogy and Microscopic Structure in Kerman City Sediments

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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In this research, the microscopic structure and mineralogical changes of the soils within Kerman city have been studied. To assess compactness, consolidation and structural characteristics of sedimentary deposits, the authors used the comparing results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images in natural and reconstituted soils of Kerman city arena . To study the microstructure of Kerman soils, about 15 soil samples from different depths and locations were prepared and sent to the central electron microscopic laboratory in Ferdowsi University of Mashad. Selected areas were planned in such a way that they have good distribution in Kerman city confine. To understand soil structure some of the samples were reconstituted with moisture content higher than liquid limit as a result of which the post sedimentation structure was demolished. Then images of natural and reconstituted samples were compared with each other. The required tests were performed on samples in Central laboratory of Mashhad University, Iran. Using the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy technique (EDX or EDS) chemical composition of the samples was determined to form of point. Having identified the chemical composition of minerals and compared them with typical samples, the name of soil minerals in Kerman soils was determined.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 08-2013 Issue: 8

Exsolution Lamellae in Orthopyroxene of Lherzolite from the Pauza Ultramafic Rocks, Ne Iraq: Evidence of Deep Mantle Signature in the Zagros Suture Zone

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The Pauza ultramafic body is part of Upper Cretaceous Ophiolitic massifs of the Zagros Suture Zone, NE Iraq. The present study reveals evidence of Ultra-high pressure (UHP), and deep mantle signature of these peridotites in the Zagros Suture Zone throughout the observation of backscattered images and micro analyses which have been performed on orthopyroxen crystals in lherzolite of Pauza ultramafic rocks.Theorthopyroxen shows abundant exsolution lamellae of coarse unevenly distributed clinopyroxene coupled with the submicron uniformly distributed needles of Cr-spinel. The observed clusters of Opx–Cpx–Spl represent the decompression products of pyrope-rich garnet produced as a result of the transition from ultra-high pressure garnet peridotite to low-pressure spinel peridotite (LP). Neoblastic olivine (Fo92 – 93) with abundant multi-form Cr- spinel inclusions occurs as a fine-grained aggregate around orthopyroxene, whereas coarse olivine (Fo90-91) free from chromian-spinel is found in matrix. The similarity of the Cr-spinel lamellae orientations in both olivine and orthopyroxene, moreover, the enrichments of both Cr and Fe3+ in the Cr-spinel inclusions in neoblastic olivine relative to Cr-spinel lamellae in orthopyroxene, suggest that spinel inclusions in olivine have been derived from former Cr-spinel lamellae in orthopyroxene. Neoblastic olivine is formed by reaction of silica-poor ascending melt and orthopyroxene. It is inferred that the olivines with multi-form spinel inclusions has been formed by incongruent melting of pre-existing spinel lamellae-rich orthopyroxene.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 09-2013 Issue: 9

Synthesis, Characterization, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Studies on Some Novel Transition Metal Complexes of Schiff Base Ligand Derived From Sulfadiazine with Molecular Orbital Calculations

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

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Some  selected  solid  complexes  of  the  Schiff  base  ligand  HL  derived  from Sulfadiazine  with Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II)  ions were synthesized and characterized by Micro-analysis, FTIR,   Electronic,   Mass,   and   ESR   Spectral   Analyses,   Magnetic susceptibility and  Molar  Conductance  Measurements.  The  disappearance  of ν(O-H)  hydroxyl band of the phenolic and the lowering shift of the stretching frequency of the ν(CH=N) azomethine band in the ligand after complexation, indicated the coordination through the phenolic oxygen atom (after deprotonation) and azomethine nitrogen atom respectively  of  the  Schiff  base ligand  HL. The lower values of molar conductance indicate the non-electrolytic nature of these complexes. The ESR spectrum of the HL copper complex has octahedral geometry. The molecular structures of the investigated compounds were studied by PM3 method, also the heat of formations,  HOMO, LUMO and dipole moments were calculated to confirm the geometry of the ligand and the it’s complexes.  The  antimicrobial  screening  of  the  synthesized  compounds  HL  and  its complexes  1-3  were  investigated. The Schiff  base ligand  HL  showed  weaker  to significant activity against one or more bacterial and fungal strains. In most of the cases higher activities were exhibited upon coordination with metal ions(II). In addition, calculations  in  silico,  the  Pharmacokinetic  parameters  have  promising  features  for applying the ligand as drug.
Contribution/ Originality

Chemistry & Materials Sciences » International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research » Month: 01-2014 Issue: 1

The Method of Determining the Function of Traffic Costs for the Node with Unregulated Flows of Requests

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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Modeling of transportation networks with the purpose of optimization is a vital problem. The difficulties of numerical solution of optimization problems for networks mainly depend on the analytical definition of the function of traffic costs. We provide a developed mathematical model of transportation network based on the generalized Erlang time distribution. We also propose a classification of nodes. For the case of the node with unregulated intersection of multichannel lines as a system of mass service, we obtain an analytical realization of the function of traffic costs. We describe a method of determining the parameters of the generalized Erlang law from experimental data.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 6

Forecasting Air Passengers of Changi Airport Based on Seasonal Decomposition and an LSSVM Model

Research Article
Journal: Review of Information Engineering and Applications

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This work aimed to determine a suitable method to provide air traffic passenger forecasts of Changi airport. A linear forecasting technique in the form of a seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model and a nonlinear technique known as the least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) were compared. A hybrid X-13 LSSVM approach was also compared. A fourth approach was proposed to leverage the outputs of the hybrid X-13 LSSVM method to conduct forecasts for longer forecasting horizons. Results showed that SARIMA, direct LSSVM and X-13 LSSVM methods were able to provide accurate 1-month-ahead forecasts. However, SARIMA and direct LSSVM methods both suffered from forecasting inaccuracy, as the forecasting horizon increased. The X-13 LSSVM outperformed both SARIMA and direct LSSVM methods, in terms of small magnitude errors and forecasting directional changes across the forecasting horizons. The proposed fourth approach was able to provide 24-months-ahead forecasts and was easy to implement.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents a suitable method to forecast air traffic passengers. A linear technique, a nonlinear technique and a hybrid X-13 LSSVM approach were compared. A fourth approach was proposed for longer forecasting horizons. Results showed that the proposed approach could provide 24-months-ahead forecasts and was easy to implement.
Computer Sciences » Review of Information Engineering and Applications » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Resource Dependency, Institutional, and Stakeholder Organizational Theories in France, Nigeria, and India

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This paper describes resource dependency, institutional and stakeholder organizational theories and how each theory might or might not work in the France, Nigeria, and India. Application of the three organizational theories demonstrates several features, including an emphasis on inter-organizational dependence for organizational survival and resolution of issues of conflicts between competing stakeholders as critical to the sustenance of organizations in all three national cultures. In relation to the institutional theory, while France is required to implement all European Union Directives and constantly put organizations under pressure to conform to these expectations, issues of poverty, nepotism, political god-fatherism, and corruption prevalent in India and Nigeria mean that organizations are not always put under as much pressure to conform to expectations.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 12

Shifting Global Economic Paradigm

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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Introduction: The 21st century was started with the dawn of a new economic puzzle of China’s fast economic growth. It has surprised the economists. The Chinese constant upward growth has shifted economic paradigm and the axis of growth appear to have been shifted from the western hemisphere to the eastern hemisphere. Some economists term it a 21st century miracle. The author has determined to test this miracle through empirical framework. Research Question: Main research question of this study to explore the answer of the question why China is recording consistent rapid economic growth? Is this growth in the same way as other developed countries experienced in the past or is it a new phenomenon-a shift in global economic paradigm. Objectives: The objective of this empirical analysis is to investigate into the causes of fast economic growth of China in the context whether this growth pattern is a normal phenomenon or an indicator of shifting global economic paradigm. Methodology: Our study is spread over a period starting from 1980 to 2011 because of the introduction of economic reforms and massive economic growth. We have collected data from different sources such as China Bureau of National Statistics, IMF, World Bank and relevant research Journals and books. The selected variables for this research paper are: labour productivity, investment, exports, Research and Development expenses, capital stock, open door policy, real exchange rate and US GDP. We used ordinary least square (OLS) model to measure change in the selected variables. Five tests were used to test the stability of the model. Findings: The Econometric results show that international trade and investment in capital stock and R&D expenses by Chinese Government are the major determinants, which are responsible for enhancing labour productivity and output in the long-run, Similarly, real exchange rate appears as an important determinant to explain change in output in the long-run.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 6

Biochemical Relevance of Sorghum and Millet Produced In the Kasena-Nankana Districts of Ghana, And Some of Their By-Products to Food, Nutrition, Health and Wealth of the People

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

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This study was conducted in two farming seasons between 2008 and 2010. Two varieties each of millet and sorghum from the Kasena-Nankana districts of the Upper East Region of Ghana were compared. Methods used were personal interviews, proximate and micronutrient analyses, and assessment of “waste products”. Results show that Pearl millet:finger millet:red sorghum:white sorghum are used respectively to make 5: 8:5:5 diets. For the first season, the highest average contents were: Crude protein(12.2%), and fibre(5.4%) in the white sorghum; carbohydrates(83.1%) in the proso millet, fat(4.2%) and ash(1.6%) in the pearl millet and moisture range from 0.3-2.1%. Also the red sorghum had the highest average of Na(548.5 mg/kg), Fe(68.8 mg/kg), and Mg(509.3 mg/kg); K(668.0 mg/kg) was highest in both red sorghum and pearl millet; Mn(16.5 mg/kg) in the pearl millet, and Ca(29.3 mg/kg) in the proso millet. In the second season, the highest average amount of crude protein(14.4%), fat(2.9%), ash(2.1%) and fibre(3.5%) were in the white sorghum, and carbohydrates(76.2%) in the red sorghum. The working moisture ranged from 8.2-17.7%. The highest average Na, Fe, and Mg were respectively 509.0 mg/kg, 70.5 mg/kg, 540.2 mg/kg all in the red sorghum. K(690.0 mg/kg) and Mn(12.8 mg/kg) were in the pearl millet, while Ca(32.0 mg/kg) was in the proso millet. The aqueous extract of the stalk ashes of pearl millet were used to flavour and de-ferment soups; stalks of sorghum served as cooking fuel, and for making baskets and sleeping mats, and the husk as cattle feed. Dusa and pito mash are food by-products from the grains used in feeding poultry and non-ruminants. Dusa had highest crude protein(21.48%) and carbohydrates(51.48%) and pito mash had 9.30% fat, fibre(11.38%) and ash(5.97%).
Contribution/ Originality

Chemistry & Materials Sciences » International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 2

Comparative Analysis of Learning Styles of Students of USA and Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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A study was conducted to compare and evaluate the different learning styles of students in Bangladesh and the United States. The objective was to identify the similarities and differences among individual student learning styles using the Fielder-Silverman model and an index of learning styles, which was compiled using student response data from two universities in Bangladesh and one American university. Statistical analysis was performed to identify the factors affecting learning style, such as the number of years spent in school, cultural background, and academic major. Altogether, eight dimensions were used to study the students’ differences in learning preference. The analysis concluded there was no difference between the learning styles of American and Bangladeshi engineering students. However, the results showed a difference between first year (freshmen) and final year (senior) engineering students on the sensing/intuitive dimension. Differences in learning style were also observed between students from different academic majors on the sensing/intuitive and visual/verbal dimensions.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 9

Land Degradation Due To Mining: The Gunda Scenario

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Several studies have been carried out on the effects of mining on the environment, these have been characterized by landscape devastation, deforestation, it has also exposed the land to both wind and water erosion, water pollution and other environmental hazards which poses threat to humans in diverse ways. The study is set out to examine land degradation due to mining in Gunda area of Biu plateau with emphasis on the landscape. Both primary and secondary data were used. The nature of the environment such as destruction to the landscape, lost in vegetation cover, scattered open pits, alteration of water courses etc were all considered. One of the findings revealed that mining has led to the discovery of diatomite in the pits along stream channels which they use locally for painting purposes in building. The findings further revealed that reclamation work may not likely take place soon, because there are no economic returns from it. The study therefore, recommended among others, that reclamation be encouraged by using some of the pits for wastes disposal with farm and household residues so as to refill it especially those on farmlands, also measures should be taken by the inhabitants in restoring back the altered stream channels to their former glory by filling the cuts.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 12

Price Distortions, Exports, and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Non-Oil Sectors of Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This study examines the effects of price distortions on output in the non-oil sectors of the Nigerian economy. Specifically, the study tests the hypothesis: that price distortions are inversely related to non-oil output on the supply side; and also inversely related to the aggregate demand component such as non-oil exports on the demand side. The study adopts a model based on a modified neoclassical production function where non-oil exports are taken as production input. The analysis confirms the view that price distortions have significant negative influence on the non-oil sectors of the Nigerian economy.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 01-2014 Issue: 1

Fecundity, Food and Feeding Habits and Growth Pattern of Galeoides Decadactylus in Nigeria Coastal Waters

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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Twenty five (25) Galeoides decadactylus bought from Ijora were examined for the growth pattern, food and feeding habit and reproduction biology of the fish. The standard length of the specimen ranged from 17.5 to 21.7. The correlation coefficient was 0.85 which showed a strong correlation between the standard length and weight. Out of the twenty five fish specimens 20% has empty stomach. The condition factor ranged from 2.30 to 2.89 for the combined sexes. The result from chi-square test showed that the number of female is more significant than the number of males.
Contribution/ Originality

Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 06-2013 Issue: 1