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Building Trust and Satisfaction by Retailers in Mature Segment

Dagmar Lesakova

Dagmar Lesakova 1

  1. Professor, Faculty of Commerce, University of Economics Bratislava, Slovak Republic 1

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In our research we consider the factors of satisfaction and trust development in older consumers segment with their shopping places. Such attributes as store location, internal store environment (trolleys, display policy, assortment), price policy, staff behavior or easy access to the store are differently perceived by older shoppers. Responding to the requirements of seniors´ segment in these attributes can build the trust to particular retailer and cause satisfaction of older shoppers. The purpose of our paper is to propose a framework that can be used to develop clear and conceptually consistent, context-specific system of satisfaction assessment with the shopping experience of older people. In particular we suggest how to assess the satisfaction level with the shopping experience and discuss the areas of satisfaction and perceived dissatisfaction in order to develop the trust in older consumers segment. We raise question: „what are the areas in which seniors perceive dissatisfaction when shopping foodstuffs” and explore the influence of age and seniors´ health condition on the level of satisfaction. To measure the food shopping satisfaction, 12 factors of internal and external store environment were reviewed. Results indicate that there is a general trend towards satisfaction, however also some areas of dissatisfaction were identified, such as aspects of the price policy, internal store environment or courteousness of staff. This suggests that retail managers should pay increased attention to seniors, as not all older consumers consider their needs to be satisfactory met. The research in this paper was conducted within the Research project VEGA 1/0224/15 “Determinants of level and trends in consumer behavior and consumption of the seniors in Slovak Republic”.



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