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Organic Food Preferences: Significance of Socio-Demographic and Attitudinal Market Segmentation Variables

Ruzica Kovac P. Znidersic, Ines Djokic, Nenad Djokic

Ruzica Kovac P. Znidersic 1

Ines Djokic 2 

Nenad Djokic 2 
  1. Full Professor Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad Subotica, Serbia 1

  2. Teaching Assistant Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad Subotica, Serbia 2


Although supply is still not meeting Serbian organic food market demand, increasing consumers’ organic food acceptance will be crucial for significant future market development. As previous researches have shown, important role for future organic food consumption will belong to young and more educated people. However, for creating, implementing and controlling adequate marketing mix in order to target this market segment, additional market segmentation variable research is necessary. In this paper, organic food preferences of young and educated respondents were considered as basis for further segmentation (the research was conducted in Autonomous province of Vojvodina in February 2014, n=140). The choice of preferences can be understood in context of insufficient organic food supply at domestic market as well as future increasing of respondents’ income as basis for transforming preferences into food consumption. Respondents were segmented into consumers with low organic food preferences (prefer to consume it once in several weeks or less frequent), consumers with medium organic food preferences (prefer to consume it once a week) and consumers with high organic food preferences (prefer to consume it several times a week, every day or several times a day). Furthermore, consumers’ segments were compared regarding different socio-demographic and attitudinal market segmentation variables. Out of socio-demographic variables, segments were statistically significantly different only regarding gender – the percent of women was increasing in segments more preferring organic food. Consumers’ attitudes reflecting their natural product interest were also significant for organic food preferences – consumers’ segment preferring organic food highly was statistically significantly different in comparison to other segments in terms of respondents rating these items higher. Besides, recommendations at tactical marketing level were given in the paper.



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