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Abstract of Applied Sciences and Engineering

November 2016, Volume 14, 14, pp 10

Parental Control Application with Eye Blink Fatigue Detection Algorithm for Android Device

Jay-ar P. Lalata, Lorenzo B. Sta. Maria Jr., Alloysius Mari E. Ilagan, Alison Jay U. Lim, Clifford M. Marco, Manolito Jr. S. Medina

Jay-ar P. Lalata 1 

Lorenzo B. Sta. Maria Jr. 1 Alloysius Mari E. Ilagan 1 Alison Jay U. Lim 1 Clifford M. Marco 1 Manolito Jr. S. Medina 1 
  1. Computer Engineering Department Adamson University, Philippines 1


Smartphones are widely used in our technology driven generation whether for work, educational and entertaining purposes by its users. Besides of giving advantages in using smartphones, there are also some disadvantages, like behavioural issues such as aggression, and addiction; health issues such as mental illness, depression, anxiety; and a lot more. And as a measure to lessen the amount of exposure of kids or teenagers in front of smartphones to prevent theses detrimental effects, parental control applications are made available. This study focuses on utilizing the Android framework and OpenCV to create a parental control application that allows manual control of the mobile devices of their children; and automatic control when they are showing signs of eye fatigue when using the phone through the eye blink fatigue detection module. In order to achieve the purpose, we incorporate OpenCV library with the cloud technology to perform the manual locking and unlocking of the mobile device. Also, OpenCV library was used to detect and recognize the face of user of the mobile device and to detect the fatigue level of the user’s eyes. By using the proposed method, we can get a real time monitoring and notification about the child’s mobile device and about the child’s daily usage. It also provides security by identifying and recognizing if the user is a registered user if the mobile device. Furthermore, with the real time results the children’s eyes can be protected by limiting their usage of the mobile device and provide immense security.



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