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Abstract of Applied Sciences and Engineering

September 2016, Volume 11, 11, pp 10

The Efficacy of Bangbangsit (Lantana camara Linn) as Organic Katol

Romiro G. Bautista

Romiro G. Bautista 1

  1. Quirino State University, Diffun, Quirino, Philippines 1

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This study explores the efficacy of the developed Bangbangsit katol (Lantana camara Linn.) using dried young and matured leaves and flowers of the plants in treating mosquitoes. L. camara is known to contain repellant properties to insects. Philippines, particularly in the countryside like Quirino province, hosts L. camara pandemically in its topographies.  On the other hand, mosquitoes had been one of the vectors of the world’s pandemic health problem of serious human diseases that threaten human existence, e.g. Malaria, zika virus, dengue fever, chikungunya, among others. Young and matured leaves and flowers of L. camara were freshly picked, air dried, and pulverized. The katol stick was developed by mixing the pulverized L. camara and corn starch. The corn starch was used as binder in forming the katol stick. Mosquitoes were collected and subjected to the fume of the burnt L. camara katol stick: T1 - young leaves, T2 - matured leaves, T3 - flowers, and Tc - commercial katol. Time of  disorientation (unprecedented display of behavior) and time of death were determined and compared. Findings revealed that there are no significant difference on the number of disoriented and killed mosquitoes across treatments in the study, hence the efficacy of the proposed organic katol and the commercial katol is comparable. Therefore, Bangbangsit katol stick (L. camara) is a good alternative of the commercial katol in controlling the proliferation of mosquitoes.


Bangbangsit, Lantana camara, Repellant, Katol.


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