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Abstract of Applied Sciences and Engineering

October 2015, Volume 4, 4, pp 2

Bacteriological Quality Assessment of Surface Water from Some Portion of Lake Chad Basin, Borno State, Nigeria

Kolo, B. G, Ogugbuaja, V.O, Ameh, J.A

Kolo, B. G 1 

Ogugbuaja, V.O 1 Ameh, J.A 1 
  1. Plant Pathology Department, National Research Center, Giza, Egypt 1


Water samples were collected during the dry season (March-May) and wet (August-September) season from six locations of Lake Chad basin, Nigeria portion. The samples were collected in an already pre cleaned container and examined for bacteriological parameters using standard methods. Results showed variations in quality grading in order of frequency of occurrence. It was observed that 0% was excellent; 6.25%satisfactory; 93.75% intermediate While 0% was grossly polluted. The frequency distribution of physical appearance of water sample tested also showed that 33.33% were clear, 22.92%cloudy, 16.67%slightly cloudy and 27.08% turbid. The most probable number (MPN) value showed high values in raining season (10-20/100ml) as compared to dry season (1-5/100ml). Thus, pollution of lake during raining season might be due to the accumulation of debris and pollutants in the lake.


Bacteriology, water, quality, Lake Chad, Maiduguri, season


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