International Proceedings of Management Perspectives


Journal Information

The International Proceedings of Management Perspectives (IPMP) is Launched in November 2013 by “Pak Publishing Group” (PPG). It primarily focuses on publishing the proceedings of the conference. It enables the delegates of the conferences to publish their papers online and then made it available free for the academic researchers.

The articles are published in IPMP  after checking the relevance either it is relevant to the sitting audience and covering their desired topics or not. All the selective proceedings are available online within one month of acceptance of final manuscripts through the organizers of the conference.

Any paper sent to the IPMP on an individual basis will not be considered as it is agreed with the conference organizers and guest editors and Journal publishes full sets of conference proceedings only.

IPMP provides an opportunity of free access of papers within one month of acceptance along with the conference details of the organizers.  The review process of the article will be  performed by the conference scientific committee.  The managing editor of IPMP only checks plagiarism of articles for quality control purpose.

The publication fees will be charged on the basis of a number of articles.  The publication includes online publications and free of access. If the conference organizer demands the hard copy of the IPMP, the PPG will provide it on additional price of per hard copy.

Muhammad Irfan
Publishing department, Pak publishing group