Reviewers » Reviewers » Recruitment for Reviewers

Recruitment for Reviewers

Conscientia Beam publishes academic journals covering the social sciences; medical sciences; biological sciences; agricultural sciences; physical sciences; engineering; arts and education and legal studies. Conscientia Beam welcomes you to join our reviewing team.

Your contribution in the peer-review process is completely vital for the success and reputation of the journal. The reviewers and editors determine the quality and significance of submitted manuscripts. The reviewers’ names will be listed in the printed journal and on the journal’s webpage.

Reviewer positions are open to Ph.D. degree holders and students who can apply by completing this online form and emailing it to

Conscientia Beam aims to maintain the publication standards.  Conscientia Beam endeavors to publish the bst quality research and contribute further to the future of scientific progress, following COPE guidelines to maintain excellent publication standards through its rigorous peer review process.
Our reviewer
The reviewer is a renowned person with vast subject knowledge and plays an vital role in the peer review process confirming the integrity of all the published material. The whole process depends on the trust and involvement of the participating reviewers. The efforts of reviewers are key to the objectives of a fair and timely review process for all of our manuscripts and publication of only the highest quality papers. All the participating peer reviewers should follow our guidelines and ethics. Their constructive comments and reports will help the Editor to decide on manuscripts. We greatly appreciate reviewers for their help in meeting these important objectives.
Peer review process
All the journals of Conscientia Beam employ a double blinded peer review process. In this process the author's names and affiliations will not be revealed to the reviewers, while the authors are kept blinded from reviewer details. After the Editorial Review process, the handling Editor will solicit at least two expert reviewers in the field with the title and an abstract of the manuscript to take up the peer review process. Reviewers are expected to give a prompt response when approached. This is intended to advance the correctness, clarity, and wholeness of manuscripts and helps editors to decide whether the manuscript can be published or not. Reviewers should provide reviews with clear suggestions and honest corrections to the Editor who will again forward the review reports as such to the author.
Responsibilities of reviewers
Instructions on being asked to review a manuscript