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Personal Branding in the Context of Contemporary Market

Duro Horvat, Marinko Kovacic, Natasa Trojak

Duro Horvat 1 

Marinko Kovacic 2
Natasa Trojak 1 
  1. The University College Effectus, College for Law and Finance Zagreb, Croatia 1

  2. Croatian Chamber of Economy Zagreb, Croatia 2


Mass economy was based on production directed towards anonymous customers whose interests were pretty easily designed. The process of interest forcing, i.e. needs, are made more easily by mass media. The expansion of mass media about 60 years ago redesigned marketing or better to say promotional activities. Systematic brand articulation and all the other immaterial resources like image or goodwill begin became more important and more and more employees are becoming significant organizational resource. Human resources are becoming key element of profitability in which finance and technology are transformed in the supporting elements. Experts and talented individuals in particular, are becoming aware that they are owners of the most valuable organizational resource - knowledge i.e. creativity. In the process, contemporary technology, like the Internet, enables complete affirmation of personal potential. Assumption of personal branding is being developed and with its help creative individuals articulate their own, individual image while offering their potentials on the market. Aware creative individuals as workforce are becoming not only equal but dominant in relation to employers in the process of employment negotiation. They are premium brand which requires attractive working conditions and quality working relations in order to completely present their excellence. Branded individuals are aware that generating new added value depends on them in large amount. Personal branding as a process of value articulating which the individual offers to employer or to potential business partners will become standard element, not only for personal business positioning, but for corporative strategies of human resources management.



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