Humanities and Social Sciences Letters 2312-5659 2312-4318 10.18488/journal.73.2020.83.280.291 Humanities and Social Sciences Letters Influence of Information Technology towards the Development Economics of SMEs in Indonesia Humanities and Social Sciences Letters Humanities and Social Sciences Letters 09-2020 2020 09-2020 09-2020 8 3 268 279 20 Apr 2020 29 Jun 2020 Technology continues to develop rapidly and creates an impact on the economic field. SMEs are increasing at a rapid pace because of the spread and increase in the number of prospective consumers who are influenced by promotion in marketing. With this online marketing strategy, one can find SMEs are able to sell their products. This study aims to identify the influence of information technology with Capture, Processing, Result, Save, Retrieve, and Transmission indicators on the economic development of SMEs in Indonesia. This sequential explanatory mixture method uses two stages of data collection, namely quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative data was collected through surveys with 127 respondents who are SMEs entrepreneurs. The qualitative data was gathered by interviewing 30 informants who have SMEs in the fields of food and beverage, fashion, and handicraft. The results of this study indicate that there is a dimension of information technology that affects the economy of SMEs in conducting sales activities. The impact is seen in the positive results of indicators of Capture, Processing, Result, Save, Retrieve, and Transmission. Then, descriptive results show that with r values capturing (0,78), processing (0,77), result (0,79), save (0,78), retrieve (0,80), and transmission (0,80).