Humanities and Social Sciences Letters 2312-5659 2312-4318 10.18488/journal.73.2019.72.56.63 Humanities and Social Sciences Letters Investigating the Impact of English Picture Books on EFL Learners Anxiety in Taiwan Humanities and Social Sciences Letters Humanities and Social Sciences Letters 06-2019 2019 06-2019 06-2019 7 2 56 63 23 Jan 2019 02 Apr 2019 English picture books have been claimed to raise EFL learners’ learning motivation and to promote independent learning and thinking. However, there is little research focusing on the effect of English picture books on tertiary learners. The study involved 25 participants; the study time was one-semester long. The instruments for the study were a set of questionnaires related to learners’ background, perception and attitude attempting to examine respondents’ attitude towards English picture books and language learning anxiety. Each participant was required to read English picture books during the class and after reading; they had to write down feedback or thoughts. On-site teacher observation and post-interviews were also conducted after the study. The findings showed a difference in language learning anxiety. They felt less anxious and more confident in learning English. This study results provide evidence that English picture books play an influencing role lowering the EFL learners’ language anxiety and enhancing positive attitude towards English learning. It is suggested that English picture books can serve as good learning resources for low-proficient EFL adult learners.