International Journal of Geography and Geology 2306-9872 2305-7041 10.18488/journal.10.2017.65.113.122 International Journal of Geography and Geology Microbiostratigraphy and Sedimentary Environment of the Sarvak and Kazhdumi Formations in Bahregansar Oil Field International Journal of Geography and Geology International Journal of Geography and Geology 05-2017 2017 05-2017 05-2017 6 5 113 122 06 Sep 2016 31 Jul 2017 The aim of this paper is investigation of microbiostratigraphy and sedimentary environment of the Sarvak and Kazhdumi formations in Bahregansar oil field. To investigate these units, microbiostratigraphy and microfacies analyses were carried out on nearly 600 m of cuttings, including cutting plug samples and thin sections prepared from Bahregansar oil field in the Persian Gulf, SW Iran. 22 Species and genera of foraminifera were recognized and four biozones were identified. Also the microfacies analysis of the Sarvak and Kazhdumi formations in Bahregansar oil field is led to recognition fourteen microfacies of three facies belts (depositional environment) including open marine, bar and lagoon environments.<br>