Humanities and Social Sciences Letters 2312-5659 2312-4318 10.18488/journal.73/2015.3.1/ Humanities and Social Sciences Letters Affective Humanism: Towards an Ontology for Accountability in Local Government Administration in Nigeria Humanities and Social Sciences Letters Humanities and Social Sciences Letters 03-2015 2015 03-2015 03-2015 3 1 55 62 30 Nov 30 Nov Among the myriads of problems betting the developmental strive in Nigeria, besides the problem of leadership, is the issue of corruption. The endemic nature of the problem calls for concern because of its moral implications and replying effects. Indeed, no stratum of the society is devoid of its clawing effect to such an extent that it is taken as a la mode. To redress the scenario, many measures have been taken, institutions set up to combat this menace yet to no avail. The failure could be adduced to among other reasons limiting the fight to only empirical dimension with no attention paid to the ontological dimension of the problem. This is the onus of this paper but with particular reference to the Local Government administration because of its strategic nature as a grassroot political institution and its vital role in any developmental effort and discuss in the Nigerian polity.