International Journal of Business, Economics and Management 2312-5772 2312-0916 International Journal of Business, Economics and Management S-Dimensional Assets Portfolio Evaluation International Journal of Business, Economics and Management International Journal of Business, Economics and Management 09-2014 2014 09-2014 09-2014 1 9 264 271 30 Nov 30 Nov An approach to calculate the upper limit to any given portfolio with s assets (corporate stocks or government bonds) in it is provided, which does not require the relative weight of each asset in the portfolio. The value obtained is contrasted with the traditional weighting approach to calculate the portfolio’s value. The process followed is the scientific method, starting with observation and hypothesis and after analyzing two examples, a synthesis is performed by generalizing the concepts and the main thesis that the Pythagorean approach here proposed constitutes an upper limit for the portfolio’s value.<div><br></div><div style="text-align: center;"><img src=""></div>